- Teacher: AnishA U
Stratigrphy - Definition and scope
Concept of stratum, its delineation and general
- Teacher: Dilip Kumar P G
Sedimentary Petrology is a part of the course 1, titled Stratigraphy and sedimentary Petrology for 5th semester B Sc Geology program. Sedimentary Petrology is the study of origin, formation, characteristics and classification of rocks which are constituted of sediments. The course provide a brief understanding on process of formation ,environment of formation, classification, textural features, sedimentary structures and economic importance of sedimentary rocks.
- Teacher: Priya P.N
Understand the basic concepts of magma generation in the sub lithospheric mantle
Learn and understand the different classification scheme of igneous rocks
Insight on to the different experimental models of crystallization and melting of magma
Understand and learn the texture and structure of igneous rocks
Study of different forms of igneous bodies
- Teacher: Suraj P.R